
Hi Everyone! Thank you for visiting my new website. It has taken a lot of time and dedication to get this up and running, so I’m really proud of it and hope that it will be informative and make getting in contact with me and finding the resources you need much more efficient.

My hopes for this space are to do regular blogs on current issues and topics of interest to me or things I think may be helpful to you as a client. I also want to have my intake paperwork and information readily available to you, so that you can find what you need and complete it at your own pace before our session. I also would really like to provide resources and information that I think can be helpful to current and prospective clients so that we can bridge the information gap that can sometimes be present between the community and the resources being offered. Sometimes we don’t even know what’s right under our nose! In the future, I would like to offer online scheduling, but it is not available at this time. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, please contact me directly at glaroselmft@gmail.com OR (985) 265-7210 (text or voice).

If you think of other things that would be helpful to have accessible to you here, please let me know. I love collaboration, so I will take all feedback into consideration. Thanks again for stopping by, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Gina LaRose, LPC, LMFT

Gina LaRose